About us

The Center for Agribusiness & Rural Development (CARD) is an Armenian foundation. It was founded in 2005 as the successor to U.S. government development projects in Armenia, first the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Farm Extension Project (1993-1996) and then the USDA’s award-winning Marketing Assistance Project (1996-2005). These projects assisted with the rebuilding of the Armenian agriculture sector after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Today CARD designs and implements agricultural development assistance programs that address the priority needs of the sector for sustainable growth. These include: • Promoting and applying advanced agricultural technologies • Supporting agricultural processing and the development of competitive food products for domestic and export markets • Improving food security and increasing food safety at the production, processing, and consumer level • Promoting animal genetics and improving animal health and husbandry practices • Supporting the establishment of new government policies and regulations for the sector. Web Page